INTERLINK (Innovating goverNment and ciTizen co-dEliveRy for the digitaL sINgle market) is a project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe 2020 programme. The initiative has promoted a collaborative governance model that fosters participatory co-design and co-delivery processes through the use of a user-friendly platform and the innovative tools contained therein (so-called INTERLINKERS). The aim is to stimulate an active partnership between citizens, private actors and public administrations.

To find out more

Launched in January 2021, INTERLINK aimed to enhance the transparency, trust, and legitimacy of bottom-up co-design initiatives for public services, pursuing several specific objectives:

  • development of a new collaborative governance model involving citizens, the public, and private sectors;
  • provision of useful functionalities for co-producing new, more inclusive services;
  • identification of a legal framework compliant with EU regulations for the co-creation and co-delivery of services

  • Objectives achieved

    INTERLINK made use of three significant and complementary use cases in order to test and evaluate the very effectiveness of the solution proposed within the project. The MEF led one of the three use cases, with the aim of developing, through a two-stage process, a Participatory Strategic Planning Module (PSPM). The first phase was devoted to collecting feedback and requirements from stakeholders from different administrations in order to create the blueprint of the PSPM. The second phase involved a larger group of stakeholders who contributed to the creation of the mock-up of the PSPM, which was then released.

    Specifically, the use cases were developed through the INTERLINK platform that, in addition to providing a repository of good practices and documents to support strategic planning activities, is accompanied by a complete set of tools, the so-called INTERLINKERS, fundamental in the project development and management processes.

    Main Project Milestones

    January 2021

    Start: The
    INTERLINK Project is launched

    May 2021

    First General Assembly

    April 2022

    Start of the first iteration of the MEF use case and testing of the INTERLINK platform

    July 2022

    Start of co-design activities for the Strategic Participatory Planning Module (PSPM) blueprint of the MEF, with MEF stakeholders involved

    December 2022

    dissemination event titled “Democratizing Co-production of Sustainable Public Services,” hosted by MEF

    March 2023

    Start of the
    second iteration of the MEF use case

    May 2023

    May 2023 Launch
    of workshops on the PSPM and co-creation of the mock-up for the MEF’s Strategic Participatory Planning Module, with MEF stakeholders involved

    November 2023

    Completion of use case activities and evaluation of lessons learned

    December 2023

    Conclusion of the INTERLINK Project

    To learn more about the role each partner holds in the INTERLINK project, please visit the following link.

    Asset Publisher

    Ultime News

    INTERLINK Project: presented the design for the MEF's Participatory Strategic Planning Module (PSPM)

    More than thirty representatives from various Italian public administrations actively participated in the meeting, exchanging views and asking questions on how to engage

    INTERLINK Project: highlights from the General Assembly

    A summary of the workshop "Democratizing co-delivery of sustainable public services: what are the legal and technical barriers to co-delivery?"