Public Administrations

NoiPA electronically manages all administrative processes dedicated to staff, actively participating in the process of digitalization of the PA. The system centrally administers the processes of updating national bargaining, processing of the paystub and related obligations, allowing to streamline and improve the efficiency of the activities carried out by the staff offices. NoiPA, for budget administrations, provides for the direct payment of salaries to the Bank of Italy and withholding taxes due to credit institutions and social security institutions. For administrations outside the state budget, however, NoiPA provides for the preparation of the streams for the payment of salaries and for the management of related obligations.

Descrizione Amministrazioni

The Administrations that today are part of the NoiPA World are more than, for an audience of managed users of over 2 million.

As established by the Three-Year AgID Plan, "the administrations cannot incur expenses for the acquisition of autonomous solutions, or for evolutionary adaptations of applications, which provide similar functionalities to those offered by enabling platforms".

Pursuing the principle of rationalization of public spending, in fact, the evolution of the NoiPA system is underway with a view to enlarging the number of administrations served and increasing the quantity and type of services made available.
The platform offers digital solutions that can be modulated according to the specific bargaining area, providing highly personalized personnel management services to the participating administrations.

The system guarantees the possibility of operating with a process view both on the individual services and transversally to all the activated components.

NoiPA ensures the correct management of all sectors and areas of national collective bargaining as envisaged by ARAN.

Asset Publisher

Ministries, Presidency of the Council of Ministers
School, research institutes
Police, DAP, Financial Police
Tax Agencies
Armed Forces, Port Authority
Local authorities, authorities, other

Scarica l'elenco delle Amministrazioni gestite

Reference figures for relations with NoiPA

Institutional communications between the Administrations and the NoiPA system are managed through a number of reference figures identified and communicated by the individual Administrations at the time of accession or subsequently through the PEC address of the Information Systems and Innovation Department(

The Administrative contact person represents the reference figure for all communications concerning information or activities relating to the processing and production of payslip and related obligations as well as for the collection, management and processing of attendance/absence and related obligations.

The technical-informatics contact person is the reference figure for communications concerning the management and adaptations of the system (hardware equipment, interfaces, etc.) as well as for all technical agreements concerning discussions between the systems.

The Privacy contact person guarantees the alignment between the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Administration in the fulfilment of obligations and on all aspects concerning privacy that have an impact on the respective organisations. He communicates to the DSII the Responsible of users management with whom he collaborates in order to guarantee a correct and timely management of the life cycle of the users.

The Responsible of users management is the reference figure for communications to the DSII regarding the activation, variation or revocation of users and roles of the NoiPA system. It is communicated to the DSII by the Contact person for privacy. He guarantees the verification and storage of all the documentation required for the identification of the users whose authorisation is requested. In collaboration with the Privacy contact person, it guarantees correct and timely management of the life cycle of the users.

Tools for operators

The NoiPA system makes available the services offered, to the subjects qualified to operate (operators), with the users and according to the profiles indicated by the Responsible of users management of each Administration. By identifying themselves with a strong authentication mechanism, operators can act on the system using the functionalities associated with the specific profile assigned. To access the portal it is necessary to have the credentials of the Public Digital Identity System (SPID) or the National Service Card (CNS).