Need help?

NoiPA provides a dedicated assistance service to system operators and administrators. On this page, you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) divided by thematic area.

If the contents in the FAQ section are not sufficient to resolve the problem, you can use the contact forms available to open a request for assistance. For administrators, please note that it is possible to send a support request also within your Reserved Area, by accessing the Support page from the top navigation bar. In this case, the system will automatically recognize the profile and it will therefore not be necessary to fill in the User data section.

NoiPA - Web Form Assistenza

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Browse through the available FAQs, grouped in the following categories, to find the resolution to your problem.


The first access to NoiPA System must be made with SPID level 2, CIE or CNS. The user will be redirected to the personal profile to complete the information present. It is necessary to enter and validate the e-mail address (the system will send an automatic email with instructions for proceeding with validation) and the mobile number.

The email address provided must be unique, it must not be common to other users. Therefore, it is possible to enter your institutional email address (e.g. or a personal email address (e.g. but not your office email address (e.g. nomeufficio@ if it has been used by other users.

To use the device services of the NoiPA portal it is necessary to use a One Time Password (OTP), exclusively if you log in via SPID level 2 or CIE level 2. The OTP can be requested through the official NoiPA App. Access via CIE level 3 or CNS, however, does not require entering the OTP to use the device services.

The use of device services allows administrators to modify personal and salary data, request loans and agreements, and manage supplementary pensions. The device services that can be accessed from the personal area are:
Registry Services

  • Management of tax residence and/or domicile
Salary services
  • Management of collection methods
  • Management of dependent family members and deductions
  • Management of supplementary treatment (art. 1 Legislative Decree n. 3 of 5/2/2020)
Loans and agreements
  • Management of small INPS loans
  • NoiPAssures
Social security
  • Supplementary pension management

No. Access to the private area is possible exclusively with SPID, CIE and CNS. The password is therefore no longer required as an authentication method.
See how to access and use the services: Personal Area Access

To recover the SPID password it is necessary to follow the recovery procedure indicated on the website of the identity provider that provided the credentials.

At the moment, the NoiPA portal does not manage authentication with SPID level 3.

OTP means One Time Password and OTC Code is a tool for using the device services necessary for administrators who access the personal area via SPID level 2 or CIE level 2.

To activate the OTP code it is necessary access your reserved area and select the User profile item from the drop-down menu that opens by clicking on your name.

After profile information are completed, the e-mail address and mobile number are validated, it is possible to enable the OTP via the NoiPA app, following the instructions in the "Enabling OTP code" section.

Activation of the OTP is necessary to use the device services exclusively in the case of access with SPID level 2 or CIE level 2. It is not necessary in the case of access with CIE level 3 or CNS.

The OTP can be requested through the official NoiPA App.

No, the performance evaluation module does not have device services, so the OTP is not required.

The “GENERATE OTP” button is found in the NoiPA App menu. If it is not present, it is possible that:

  • the OTP code has not been enabled. In this case, it is necessary to enable the OTP by selecting the User Profile item from the App, clicking on the "Enable OTP code" button and following the instructions;
  • reception of the OTP code has been enabled on a device other than the one in use. In this case, you will need to select the User Profile item, click on the "Reenable OPT" button, and follow the instructions to enable reception of the code on the correct device.

No, it is possible to receive the code on only one mobile device, even if I have downloaded the app on multiple devices.

To activate your health card as an authentication tool, you must retrieve the PIN, PUK and CIP codes relating to your TS-CNS at the authorized regional counters by presenting your health card and an identity document.

No, CNS and TS-CNS both remain valid and can be used to access the system. In any case the TS-CNS cannot be used for digital signatures.

The CNS are available in USB stick format with pre-installed software or in smart card format. In this second case it will be necessary to acquire a PC reader. Compatible players are usually indicated by the individual CNS issuing entities. After obtaining the PIN and PUK codes, you can proceed with configuring the PC, installing a smart card reader and a driver, in order to register. It should be noted that recent laptops are already equipped with a hardware input to insert and use a TS-CNS. Card management software must be installed on the PC, which can be downloaded from the website To identify the correct drivers, see the card model code at the top left of your health card. The software must be installed after connecting the reader to the PC, with the CNS inserted. It is advisable to have the operation carried out by your IT support also for subsequent checks of correct installation.

Yes, the NoiPA system automatically recognizes the new health card in the manner provided by the Health Card System. If you have an already active TS-CNS (and the PIN code) that has not yet expired, upon receipt of the new one you can use the online service to activate it and avoid going to the office. The service is only available by accessing with the old TS-CNS.

Yes, a smart card reader already in use for the CNS can be used.

The CIE allows access both via a smartphone equipped with NFC technology, using the Cie Id application (for more information: and using a contactless smart card reader (other than the CNS reader) having installed and configured the CIE software.

Yes. The electronic AT model, like the CNS and CIE, allows access to the reserved area both to use the services available to system operators and to the services dedicated to administrators.


Through the "Consultazione Pagamenti" service, available in the private area of NoiPA, in the "Servizi" - "Stipendali" section, it is possible to view, in advance with respect to the publication of the payslip, the amount net for the last installment processed.

For the employees in the school sector, the self-service "Contratti scuola a tempo determinato" is available for checking the status of contracts for short supply contracts, maternity allowance on supply contracts, Catholic religion appointees and maternity benefits resulting from assignments of religion.

The due date displayed in the “Consultazione Pagamenti” service is the date, estimated at the start of the Emission and Post-Emission procedures, in which the banks can credit the amounts paid.
The date is generally set at 7-10 days from the date of emission of the monthly installment, but could be susceptible to small variations depending on the actual duration of this procedures.


The official NoiPA application is available for Android (from version 4.4 onwards) and iOS (from version 8.0 onwards) mobile devices.

The official "NoiPA" application is available free of charge in the Apple and Google stores or from the link once downloaded on your mobile device, to use it just authenticate via SPID or CIE.

The application allows you to consult and download the payslip and unique certifications, receive news published on the NoiPA portal and forward a request for assistance on the App's functionality. These functions can all be consulted through an easy to navigate menu, each user can choose which function to use among those proposed: "Payslips" - "Unique Certifications" - "News" - "Assistance". To be able to use these features, simply authenticate with your digital identity (SPID or CIE).

The "NoiPA" App is the only one to guarantee data protection according to current regulations. Therefore, other applications available online or distributed on online markets are not authorized and, therefore, all users of the NoiPA portal are invited not to provide personal data to unofficial applications.

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