Join NoiPA

NoiPA is the system created by the Directorate of Information Systems and Innovation of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. NoiPA has decades of experience in the management of legal and economic services and attendance regarding the Pubblic Administration personnel. All public administrations can join NoiPA as defined by the Ministerial Decree of July 6th 2012.

The services available upon joining the NoiPA system are currently organized into two solutions:


Salary services include: management, processing, settlement and distribution of salary slip and activities provided by the regulations on tax and social security obligations.


It includes, in addition to the Basic Solution, collection, management, processing and balancing of attendance in compliance with the regulatory and organizational obligations of the participating PAs. The Public Administrations members of NoiPA can also stipulate further cooperation and partnership agreements for the personalized use of additional services and for the supply of management data of cognitive and programmatic interest.

Costs for the administration

The monthly contribution owed by each Administration, as established by the Ministerial Decree of 6 July 2012, is calculated based on the number of managed with active employment, recorded each month at the time salaries are processed. The unit cost, for each active administration, is modulated according to the size of the Administration.


Decreto Ministeriale del 31/10/2002

Pagamento stipendi e altri assegni fissi e continuativi emessi con ruoli di spesa fissa mediante ordini collettivi di pagamento e in forma dematerializzata

Decreto Legge n.95 del 06/07/2012

Disposizioni urgenti per la revisione della spesa pubblica con invarianza dei servizi ai cittadini.

Decreto Ministeriale 06/07/2012

Norme di spending review

Condizioni generali di contratto

Articoli del codice civile che riguardano le convenzioni per l'utilizzo dei servizi stipendiali

Contratto concluso mediante moduli o formulari

Articoli del codice civile che riguardano le convenzioni per l'utilizzo dei servizi stipendiali

Piano triennale per l'informatica nella Pubblica Amministrazione

Il piano triennale ICT 2019 -2021 emanato da AGID

Membership Guide


Download and fill out the application form from the NoiPA Portal. Remember to send your subscription to the certified e-mail address by the end of February of the year preceding the activation of the service.


Plan together with the Responsible Office of the NoiPA services a cognitive meeting to deepen the characteristics of the chosen solution, agree on any additional services that are most appropriate to the needs of your Administration and the requirements to be initiated to activate the service.


Digitally sign the convention and send it to by the end of June.

4.It begins

NoiPA proceeds to send the informative material useful for starting the services and planning the training sessions for the staff of your Administration who will operate on the system.

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